xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-16 ConversionRule EffectInfoMapping !-- When import an external effet script, we don't have the effect info attributes. This node describe the default value when importing.-- DefaultValue effectName =unnamed thumbnail =thumb.png aniThumbnail = classID =CLASSID_EMOTION duration =3000 timeOffset =0 !-- Since some effect info may reference another description file. This node shows the mapping XPath in the description file.-- ExternXPath effectName =TEMPLATE_MGRTEMPLATE_LISTTEMPLATE@ALIAS classID =TEMPLATE_MGRTEMPLATE_LISTTEMPLATE@PIPTYPE sourceImage =TEMPLATE_MGRTEMPLATE_LISTTEMPLATE@FILENAME EffectInfoMapping !-- Since the class ID in the description file may not be the same with the one we use, this node shows the class id mapping.-- ClassIDMapping default=CLASSID_EMOTION Mapping from=Frame to=CLASSID_FRAME Mapping from=Motion Object to=CLASSID_EMOTION Mapping from=1 to=CLASSID_FRAME Mapping from=2 to=CLASSID_OBJECT Mapping from=3 to=CLASSID_EMOTION Mapping from=4 to=CLASSID_PARTICLE ClassIDMapping ConversionRule !--Four types of currently ClassID CLASSID_EMOTION CLASSID_FRAME CLASSID_DISTORTION CLASSID_GENERAL --